Nearly 110 people, including three senior police officials of Maharashtra, were killed by terrorists in one of the worst ever attacks on this financial capital late last night in which 900 others were injured.
The Army has been called in to assist the city police to combat the terrorists as operations against them were still on after more than four hours in the Taj mahal Hotel and the Cama hospital, close to the Chharapati Shivaji railway terminus.
The terrorists resorted to firing at as many as eight places, mostly in south Mumbai.
Maharashtra Anti Terrorist squad chief Hemant Karkare, encounter specialist Vijay Salaskar and Additional Commissioner of Police Ashok Kamte were among those killed in the operations. The police have gunned down two terrorists and taken into custody nine others during the operations.
Let’s wear white tomorrow, i.e. on Friday to show our solidarity and support  towards those who’ve been killed in this condemnable attack.
Wear a white t-shirt or a white shirt or a white band on your shirt to show that we, as individuals and as a nation stand united against this extremely cowardly act of terrorism.
Wear white for those who laid their lives to ensure we sleep with peace and our families are protected from even the shadow of terrorism.
You may just ignore this for the fear of being un-cool or a waste of time, but think about the brave hearts who died and their families who have lost them forever. Shed the ignorance that engulfs us just ‘coz it didn’t affect us or our immediate families.
Tomorrow, it might be one us falling victim to this.
As a mark of brotherhood and nationalism, drape yourself in united white tomorrow. Forward this to everyone you know.

Comments 3
Main kabhi batalata nahi
ki AATANK se nahi dar ta
hou main ma………………
A most terrible thing thats happened
without a dought.In my opinin,people
responsible shud be caught and hung
in public so that their followers may
learn a lesson from it.My heartiest
sympathies to all the greiving families!
Saw in on the news today……
Tho i don live in India…..
I was really devasted by what i saw on television…..
Is this all really necessary??
Is the killing of innocent people justified??
When is all this ever going to stop..or…will it ever stop??
My sincere condolences to all those affected by these
condemnable attacks…