Faisla muhkam nahin bigri hui taqdeer ka
Doosra rukh bhi to hota hai kisi tasweer ka
Narm lahjay say dilon per hukmarani ka amal
Ek naya shahkaar hoga alam-e-taskheer ka
Log sab apni anaa kay khol main mahsoor hain
Kaon samjhey gaa yehan lahja teri tahreer ka
Zarb kaari jab lagata hai koi kirdar per
Rukh badal jataa hai usdam saheb-e-tauqir ka
Bekhatar takhreeb kay sanchay maindhul jatey hain log
Jub koi pehloo nazar ataa nahi tamir ka
Hum nashin!bus haqbajaanib faisley ki dare hai
Toot janaa hai yaqini aahni zanjeer ka
Ishq ki bunyaad per ‘sagar’ yeh mumkin hi nahin
Kaghzi ho parahun her paikarey tasweer ka

Heeren Tanna
Hum Jale To Chirag SamaJh Baithe, Mehke To Sab Gulaab SamaJh Baithe,
Lafzo Me Kisi Ne Mere Dard Na Dekha,Shayri Padhi Aur Shayar SamaJh Baithe.
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when you were with me i didnt feel that i am alone i feel that all happiness of the world is with me,but when u told me good bye,i dint say anything my heart didnt let me that i say good bye to you,my tears said the truth that i am in love with you,i love you morethan anyone,when you left me i feel that all of my happimess are escaping from me,it was the saddest period of my life,i know this without you iam guest of pains and sorrows,it feel like i have lost in a game that didnt even have a turn,my heart still bleed and eyes still burn i just didnt know that our feelings would never coincide i gues that is my fault i kept mine hidden too deeply inside