Thanks for being just right for me
Friends are like shoes,
Some loose some tight,
Some fit just right,
And they help us as we walk through life.
Thanks for being just right for me!
I am lucky
It takes half our life to find true friends & half of it keeping them.
I am lucky to have spent less than half my life finding you & wish to spend the rest keeping you.
Most precious gift
But the happiness it brings you
Always gives a special lift
And you realize that friendship
Is god’s most precious gift.
Leave me alone
The one who holds ur hand every time surely a good friend,
But a best friend is the one who holds your hand more tightly,
When you say leave me alone!!
A special friend is rare indeed
A special friend is rare indeed,
It beems to be special breed,
Yes, perfect friends are every few,
So lucky I’m for having you.
Best friendship
I say and you listen,
Its a good friendship.
You say and I listen,
Is a better friendship.
But I don’t say and you understand,
Is best friendship.
Dwells within the heart
There is a miracle called friendship,
That dwells within the heart,
And you don’t know how it happens,
Or when it even starts.
Love is like missed call
Love is like missed call.
It stop when u try 2 catch.
But friendship is like sms bcoz it comes &
Stays inside your Inbox.
You’re a true friend
You’re a true friend,
That i want you to know,
Our love for each other
Has helped us to grow.
We’ve been through some tough times,
But we’ve made it through,
The only one i ever trusted was you.
You can read it without mistake
Good unerdsanding bteweene ecah ohther is rael fierndsihp
Eevn if we hvae so mnay msiunerdsantndig lkie tish msseaeg
Bt i konw u cna read it withotu msitaek.
Sign of remembrance
Every tear is a sign of brokenness,
Every silence is sign of lonliness,
Every smile is sign of kindness,
Every sms is sign of remembrance.
Friends forever
A ring is round and has no end…. and that’s how long I’ll be your friend. Friends forever!!
Time after time
If you’re lost you can look,
and you will find me,
Time after time,
If you fall, I will catch you
I will be waiting
Time after time.
Come lets share it
Heart is like a crystal- preserve it,
love is like a perfume- spread it,
feelings are like flood- let it flow,
friendship is like an umbrella- come lets share it
I still have a friend like you
I wonder why the stars shine even if i am sad,
I wonder why the birds still fly even if i cry,
I wonder why the sun still smiles even if i am blue,
Bcoz the world is telling me i still have a friend like you!!!
We may never meet often but i will always remain your S.P.A.C.E
A-around u
True friends
True friends are those who are there for you unconditionally.
Never do they question, but always offer support no matter what
The circumstances are.
Best friends are the people worth living for.
Friendship is like…
Our friendship is like the hands of clock
Though we are in the same clock,we r not able 2 meet
Even if we meet.. It is only for few minutes
But still our friendship runs non-stop.

Comments 1
My stomach seems to turn over when you are around.
I seem to get nervous and really happy at the same time
when you are around.
I know my face lights up when you are around.
You make me laugh to thing